
Social media in its many forms continues to be a growing part of business today. We are very active on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and Google+. Please feel free to connect with us on social media.

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    There is no denying the impact that LinkedIn has had on virtually all aspects of the enterprise. Team members are interacting with each other, clients, vendors, and even recruits and prospects. And beyond networking, LinkedIn is proving to also be a great source for skill discovery and thought leadership. We maintain an active LinkedIn page and post thought leadership and content from industry leaders on a daily basis. Let’s connect on LinkedIn!

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    Many of us old-school social media-philes went straight from MySpace to Twitter and have been hacking our thoughts down to 140 characters (with spaces!) ever since. You either love Twitter, or you use Facebook instead. For most professionals, Twitter is where you post your work-life and work-appropriate-home-life thoughts and links. We post thought leadership and content from industry leaders on Twitter daily. Please feel free to follow us.

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    While most services companies have abandoned their Facebook pages and are concentrating on just LinkedIn and Twitter, we feel that Facebook still has merit for the enterprise, especially B-to-C companies. We post thought leadership and content from industry leaders to our Facebook page daily. Please feel free to like us on Facebook.