Content Creation & Marketing Services

These is not a lot of mysetery in what we do. We charge you an hourly rate, down to the minute, which right now is $65 an hour, for creating, editing, or managing your sales and marketing materials. This include things like:

Content Marketing Consultation, Plan Creation & Implementation
Social Media & Viral Marketing Consultation, Plan Creation & Implementation
Case Studies
Bylined Articles
Blog Posts
White Papers
Collateral & Media Kits
External Newsletters & Communication
Press Releases
Style Guides
Website Content
Video & Audio Content Scripting
Email Marketing
Electronic Advertising
Print Advertising
Policies & Procedures
Internal Documentation
Internal Communication
Owner’s Guides / Operating Manuals
Technical Manuals
Technical Documents

Our Process & How We Work With You

We are happy to work with you and your team on a piece-by-piece basis for any of your sales and marketing material needs. But, if you are looking for something more full-service, we offer the following process:

We review all of your existing collateral and marketing materials, editing for grammar, messaging, and style. This not only allows us to check your existing content for any errors and improvements, but gives us the chance to become familiar with your products, services, customers, and other key aspects of your enterprise.

While we are reviewing your existing materials, we will develop a messaging guide that you and your team can use moving forward. This entails providing a written record of key aspects of your messaging as well as your company’s tone and style that can be used immediately and maintained over time so that any content creation resources you utilize in the course of your business will have the same knowledge about your business’s messaging at their fingertips.

Throughout this process, we will ensure your messaging and materials are uniform to your branding and messaging guidelines. This will help you to present a more professional image to your customers and prospects, as well as any potential vendors, business partners, or investors.

This is a very simple process and is something that just about anyone can do, but the challenge for most business owners and other business leaders is finding the time to conduct these reviews and building out messaging guidelines. Plus, as people who can spot an errant space between words in a PDF, we can also tell you that it most likely will take you much longer to conduct this process than it will for us to do it for you.

In addition, while reviewing your existing materials, we will also create a collateral inventory for you, either implementing or recording existing version numbers to ensure your team is using the most up-to-date materials at all times. We will also take the time to review your existing document management processes as well as your data storage methods and processes.

Finally, armed with all of this data, we can also work with your sales and marketing teams to ensure that your existing collateral materials are comprehensive and are actually in a format that your sales team can use to make sales. We can then work with your sales and marketing teams to create any additional collateral and materials that your enterprise is lacking, incorporating those new resources into the process and document repositories that we have created along the way.