Constantly Working

My name is William Savastano and one day, many years ago, my wife described what I do as “constantly working”.

Yes, I’m one of those guys that follows up a full day of work by sitting in front of the TV at night with a laptop on my lap, writing, reading, learning, working, managing the tiny little empire I have managed to carve out for myself in this world.

I started my first full-time job when I was 15 - as a boxboy at a local grocery store – and I’ve been moving upward and onward ever since. I excelled in English in high school, then both English and journalism in college where I spent some time writing for the college newspaper. After dreams of being a war-time correspondent, photo journalist, and even a marine biologist all came and went, I one day happily came to the realization that what I was doing everyday - applying my writing talent to business - was actually my real dream.

While I held a number of different jobs through high school, college and my early career, I never dared to think back then that one day I could earn my living by writing. My path took me from the grocery store to retail to customer service to electronics to software and finally, to marketing. Along the way I traded in a name badge for a phone headset and eventually traded that in for publishing software and a career in technical and marketing writing.

Today, I find myself as a two-time Society for Technical Communication Award-Winner with over two decades of experience during which I amassed the skills necessary to consistently develop and deploy effective marketing communications and content marketing projects. I help companies of all sizes define their message and deliver it to the market place. I’ve been working hard for over 25 years now and I believe there is no greater passion you can put into a project than your love of what you do.

So now, when I am asked what I do, I repeat those words my wife uses to describe it and say that I am Constantly Working.

I hope that I, and my team of expert writers, editors, designers, and content creators, will have the opportunity to work with you.

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